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So That All May Know Him
Friends, our first mission is to glorify God. To exult Him and to love Him as He has loved us. We do believe one way of bringing glory due His name is when we as believers share the gospel, God by His Spirit, converts men to Himself, making them His instrument that again will bring glory back to Him.
​My family and I greatly appreciate your prayers. I am not ashamed to say that I struggle as I do ministry. I love it so, but to see so much hatred for God is at times overwhelming. I see it on street corners, at our Prayer Station, an indeed outside the local abortion facility. How though it reminds me of what a great sinner Christ saw when He drew me to Himself. Please pray that I would be diligent in my work I am called to. That I would be faithful in all things, loving my family, adoring my wife, training my children in the Lord, caring for my local church body, staying in the Word, running from sin, laboring to reach others with the gospel, but most important, that my eyes would stay focused on Christ.
​My family and I thank you for your financial support in helping us go and make much of Christ.
We are so blessed to have people praying for us and helping us do missions. Your gift is tax deductible. We greatly appreciate one time gifts, but please pray on becoming a monthly supporter. Giving monthly allows us to know what to expect and plan opportunities to do outreaches more effectively.
God Bless you,
Jesus is Lord.
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